
How Realistic Should Sci-Fi Be?

One of my Facebook groups always asks — when they aren’t fighting about the original versus the reboot — how something could have occurred In-Universe. The answer is usually because the writers didn’t understand how science works and didn’t devote a lot of time to World Building or consistency. But it does raise a good question.

If you google “How Realistic Should Sci-Fi Be?” you’ll find a lot of thinky-thoughts on this subject matter and I’m gonna try to define mine.

Not surprisingly, there really isn’t a consensus on how realistic Science Fiction needs to be. Some people feel that as long as the story is good, they are willing to ignore glaring plot holes and even conflicting information.

“The amount of ‘suspension of disbelief’ I give must be proportional to the amount of entertainment the artist is providing.”

Others feel that there should be some stricter following of the Laws of Physics and other sciences.

“I don’t like modern scifi that has interstellar travel that doesn’t take decades or centuries. I just don’t think it possible and it strains my ability to enjoy it if the book has things like traveling between solar systems in hours or days or, even more annoying to me, the ability to communicate across light years in real time.

Others just want things to be consistent.

“Having FTL is fine. Having FTL which isn’t entirely understood is fine. Having FTL which is supposedly entirely understood, has hard rules on exactly when it can be used, and then breaking those rules Because Plot is… Less fine.

Likewise, having the rules change (especially in significant ways) without anyone inside the story even noticing is not fine. Yes, we get it, you backed yourself into a corner. But we the readers/watchers dislike wondering if we misremembered key things about your universe.”

Growing up, I ingested a lot of science fiction through books, movies, and TV shows. In my early years, there wasn’t always a lot of World Building, as I mentioned earlier. Most TV shows didn’t know if they would be picked up for an entire season and many movies are based on a book that someone wrote as an existential metaphor on the human condition. Finally, a lot of the stuff I read were short stories that don’t have time to waste on explaining things; you just accept that aliens developed laser pistols similar to our guns.

One of my favorites is Logan’s Run, both the Movie and to a lesser extent the TV Show spin-off. I’ve started rewatching it and I see a glaring plothole in the first five minutes. If people cannot survive outside the City of Domes, and the Runners escape to find Sanctuary, why not just let them? Either they die or they survive, but the end result is the same: one less person consuming resources.

But that doesn’t make for an exciting movie. You need conflict. And the point of Logan’s Run was that overpopulation was a thing we would have to deal with and the solution was, apparently, to kill people before they became too old.

So now about my answer. First off, I agree with Just Dan that as long as I am entertained with a good story, I can willfully suspend a ginormous amount of disbelief. Sleepy Hollow, essentially American Revolution CosPlay, was just ridiculous in terms of believability but the chemistry between the lead actors was so good that it was an enjoyable show.

Second, I do want some consistent and well-thought-out World Building. You don’t have to explain everything in Episode One but you need to leave yourself enough room for things that will come up later. Don’t write yourself into a corner by forgetting something you wrote a few episodes earlier.

Finally, I want my Sci Fi to be as accurate as possible. I’ll accept spaceships that move at the Speed of the Plot and dogfights in space, but let’s think it through. The Expanse is a great example. They explain that the guns used in-ship fire rubber projectiles that can kill a human but not damage the ship.

I’m not asking a lot. Just tell me an entertaining story that has some plausibility grounded in science.



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The Tale of My Scale

We needed a new scale so I decided to get one of those fancy digital ones that connect via Bluetooth, WiFi, and Gregorian Chants. The scale arrived on or just before Dec 1st and I started weighing myself. I weighed myself 3 times because I just couldn’t believe how fat I am wanted to get an accurate baseline starting point.

In the first seven days, my weight fluctuated from 220 to a low of 213 lbs. I didn’t do anything remotely resembling exercise and it was the holiday season so I wasn’t exactly watching my diet. Then I decided to get a little more serious and started watching what I was eating, making an effort to eat more healthy — I found this recipe for Panzanella which turned out okay on the first try and even better once I added the bread and cut the vegetables smaller and more consistently.

I even started tracking my steps and running a mile when the opportunity arose. Some days I don’t get my steps in until bedtime, other days I get them before dinner. I have no doubt I’m producing at least 10K steps daily if not more. I just don’t capture all of them.

There was still weight fluctuation but it got a little more steady. The range was now 214 – 217 lbs, give or take. This was late December and the rituals appropriated from Pagans holidays my family celebrates kicked in. My BIL made Prime Rib so it wasn’t easy to control the weight, especially since adult beverages go along with those meals.

For the most part, my weight has stabilized to about 215 lbs and trending downwards. Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get a little more serious and see if I can bring that down more. My goal is to get back down to 200 lbs or thereabouts.

We are attempting Dry January again after too many stops and starts last year. Personally, I think February is easier with a couple of fewer days and no NFL playoffs but that is me.

Stay Tuned


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Types of People you meet on Facebook Marketplace

Last Summer I spent a lot of time selling things on Facebook marketplace. It was almost a full-time job. You have to snap pictures and put in a decent description. And as a best practice, you also need to include your general location because people just don’t pay attention to where they are searching.

I also replicated my efforts on OfferUp, which is the old LetGo, just more craptastic. Anyway, the point is, you meet a lot of interesting people who seem to fall into certain buckets.

Will You Take…

I know you’re selling this $500 item for less than ten percent, but will you take $20?

I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday….

Buyer: is this available?
Me: yes
Buyer: I’ll take it, address
Me: sends address

Buyer: okay I cannot get it until next Tuesday (It’s Thursday)

Do you take Venmo?

For a $5 item? Really?

Just in case you’re an Ax Murderer

Buyer: I’m sending my boyfriend, who doesn’t have a smartphone to pick it up. He has a dark-colored vehicle of some type.

I didn’t read the description

Buyer: Hi, I’m interested.
Me: great when can you come get it
them: where is address
me: tells them (chicago)

Them: Oh, I’m in Rockford, Il Sorry.

But I think my favorite is…

Just Checking:

Buyer: Hi is this available?
Me: Yes
Buyer: Crickets

In all honestly, I did sell a lot of stuff and made a little cash on it. A lot of stuff was also given away for free and that brings about another class of people I might write about in the future.

Stay Tuned.


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The opposite of Mansplaining

Those small holes are Wear indicators that identify when a blade needs to be replaced

Mansplaining and its cousin, Toxic Masculinity, are real things and I don’t mean to make light of them. I’m not claiming the story I’m about to tell is in any way, shape or form the antithesis of Mansplaining. I just haven’t written in a while and wanted to share an interesting story.



Learn to pronounce


the explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.

“your response is classic mansplaining”

Definitions from Oxford Languages

A lot of people assume that if you are a guy, you know certain things. I’m not gonna debate whether you should know these things, some of them are very practical. But there are some things that you are expected to know automatically just by virtue of having a penis. Nevermind that your particular life circumstances never lent themselves to having the opportunity to learn them.

I bought a lawn edger at a yard sale years ago. I didn’t even use it for a couple of years after that, but finally started using it a couple of years ago. I have to say, edging makes your lawn pop.

Anyway, this year I noticed that it wasn’t doing as good of a job. I thought the blade needed to be sharpened. So I contacted my new favorite place to get sharp objects sharpened.

What an edger blade should look like

They told me that they don’t do that type of sharpening. Okay, no problem. But then the lady, who was responding via email, suggested that I just buy a new blade since they cost less than their sharpening services.

Boom! mic drop. Did I do that right? Anyway, no my fragile male ego wasn’t hurt by being schooled by a lady. However my why didn’t I think of that sensors did log an entry into my let’s remember this for next time algorithms. Like the song says, I’m still learning things I oughta know by now.

Stay Tuned.


Like me, you probably dislike all of the ads on this page. They pop up unexpectedly, sometimes cover text, start playing videos and clutter the post itself. We bloggers have no control over any aspect of the ads (content, form, placement, etc). I am sorry that they have taken over our blogs on ChicagoNow and appreciate your continued support.

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Dark Matters, Get It Off Your Chest, Practical Life Lessons, This Week on Facebook, Uncategorized

Facebook Take a Break Feature puts friendships on Life Support

It's not okay if we agree to disagree on this one

It’s not okay if we agree to disagree on this one

The other night a friend from my College Years posted something on Facebook that could be perceived as racist, if read in a certain light.  Specifically, any light bright enough to read her status post in.

It would be easy to unfriend her and not look back.  In fact, since I am trying to trim down my Facebook friends list, I may one day unfriend her completely.  But for the moment, I decided to use the Take a Break feature instead.

Facebook has a “new” feature called Take a Break.  As far as I can tell this is a more nuanced setting than simply hiding someone and obviously less severe than unfriending or blocking them.  It also appears to be meant for people who were in more intimate relationships that have now cooled but not completely diminished.

In the early years, Facebook had a little known setting called See less of/See More of.   It wasn’t easy to find and I don’t know if many people used it.  The setting has long since been deprecated but I suspect that if you implemented it, the affects are still in use.

The HIDE feature hides the person in question from your feed, but I suspect it also hides you from theirs.  This could be an unintended tell that you hide them when they suddenly stop seeing your cat video posts.

The Take A Break feature lets you chose if you want the “break” to be mutual or one sided.  Apparently you can hide your feed from them, but still see their posts; or vice versa.  I call this last one the narcissistic option.

This is the part where I justify not unfriending my little racist friend.  I really don’t have a good reason other than nostalgia or loyalty for keeping her around.  While I have not talked to this person IRL in decades, I am fond of the time we spent together in a sleepy little backwater college town.  I don’t think she realizes her racism overprivilege and I like to think that by staying connected to her, somehow I may influence her to reevaluate her outlook at social issues and inequality in America.  Now who’s being narcissistic.

Do you me a solid and swing by my Facebook page and LIKE it! You’ll find funny, informative links and interesting pictures. Don’t worry, your  feed won’t get overwhelmed.

Follow Mysteries of Life on Twitter (@MysteriesOLife), Facebook or subscribe via email.


Getting It Off Your Chest, Life Lessons, OutSourcing Ordeals, Uncategorized

Groupon Customer Support Fail

The other day my wife sent me an email with a link to a Groupon Deal.  This deal was only available for customers who receive the promotional email directly from Groupon.  However, after purchasing the deal, Groupon prompted my wife to share the deal via email with her friends, hence her forwarding it to me.

I tried to access the deal and got the message about it only being for the chosen people, not the unwashed masses like myself.  But I thought I’d reach out to Customer Support just to check.   I explained what had happened as described above.

A few hours later I got the “but sir, you cannot purchase this deal unless God Groupon emails it directly to you.”  So I asked why they asked people to share the deal after they purchased it instead of disabling this feature.

A few days later I got this response:

Hi Michael,

Sorry for the trouble. This deal is only available for customers who receive the promotional email directly from Groupon. If you are trying to purchase the deal using a different account you will not be able to do so. If you did receive the promotional email, please be sure to use that same email address when making the purchase. Our apologies for any confusion.

If you have any further questions regarding this deal, please let me know! To expedite your request, please include or forward the original email you received.

[name redacted by me]
Groupon Customer Support.

And then to add insult to cluelessness, they sent me a follow up “How would you rate the support you received”email.  I’ll give you three guesses how I filled it out and the first two don’t count!

At first glance it looks like a failure to communicate.  They are not understanding that my use case is different from the one their explanation applies.  But what’s really happening is Groupon likely gets so many support issues that they cannot take the time to parse through each one.  So they have some program that is probably picking up on keywords and spiting out scripted responses.

Either that or they have outsourced their support to someone who doesn’t quite understand English whose only job is to follow rules, stick to the script and leverage the experience and expertise that are embedded in the system.

Here’s the thing.  I can live without $10 off already cheap pizza, but I cut my teeth in Tech Support and cannot stand crappy customer service.  DO BETTER GROUPON!


Happy Reading! Follow Mysteries of Life on Twitter (@MysteriesOLife), Facebook or subscribe via email.

Chicago Sports, Ready for some Football, Tuesday Armchair Quarterback, Two for Tuesday, Uncategorized

Mitch Tribisky, your table is waiting

Hello Mitch, or do you prefer Mitchell?  Either way, welcome to Chicago where the backup quarterback is the favorite, until he isn’t.  I know you got off to a rough start with the neurotic Bears fan base.  We want a starter under center that can be the franchise quarterback, but we don’t really want to pay the price overpay for one.  Kinda like wanting something from Santa without actually even pretending to be good for most of the year.

Don’t worry, we fans have the attention span of a concussed kitten and have already gone through the The Five stages of being a Bears Fan: Anger, Frustration, more anger, more frustration, WTF and rationalization.

Here’s the thing:  Even if the Bears drafted the next Tom Brady they were not going to go to the Superbowl this season.  Even if the Bears could get in a Delorean, kidnap and sign THE Tom Brady, they would not go to the Superbowl this season.  Now if they got Bill Belichick that’s a different story because his contract with the devil stipulates a SB appears every 2.5 years on average.

So I’m okay with the decision to trade up and get a young QB that they can develop.  Note: I forgot to officially state it anywhere to prove it, but I felt the Bears would draft you if you were available because your name is as close to Polish sounding as you can get without grabbing someone from University of Warsaw and that could help him in a town like Chicago.  Unless you become Tri-fumble-sky.

Now here’s the advice you didn’t ask for.  Use the time you have to research some of the less popular Bears Quarterbacks (see the last two three decades).  See also Quarterback Controversy.  Pace and Fox say that Mike Glennon is the starter, and he is, until he isn’t.  See 2nd quarter of the 3rd game of the season.

  1. Don’t be a training camp holdout over money
  2. Learn to embrace the Media
  3. don’t commit any turnovers.  EVER.

Chicago is and will always be a football town and if you get us to a Superbowl you will be treated like royalty around these parts.  If you don’t, you will end up selling insurance in Ohio.  See former Bears first rounders.

How do you think the Bears new quarterback will handle the pressure? Tell me about it here in the comments, then swing by my Facebook page and LIKE it! You’ll find funny, informative links and interesting pictures. Don’t worry, your FB feed won’t get overwhelmed.

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A friend posted a link to a Sugar Detox  a couple weeks ago, just in time for the New Year.   I’m wary of New Year’s resolutions and goals that set one up to fail but I figure even I can pull off something like this  since it is only 3 days.   I decided to start last Tuesday (January 3rd) because it would be over before the weekend.

A couple of things here.  Detox isn’t really the right word according to the medical community.   Detoxification is a normal function of our bodies to get rid of unwanted substances, i.e. toxins.   Cleanse would be a better word choice.  Also, your body doesn’t know the difference between 71 and 72 hours, and the three days is because humans need some sort of measurable to know exactly when they can go back to eating donuts again.  [If there’s any science behind it, I suspect 3 days is the minimum amount of time it takes the average person to rid themselves of the majority of the toxic element they are attempting to eject.]

Here is a list of what I can’t have: carbs, most fruit, sugar, baked goods, wheat bread  or alcohol.

Here is a list of what I can have: Mostly sawdust and the tears of vegans.

Kidding, there are lots of things that I can eat that don’t contain sugar and don’t forget we also get a 15 g “sugar allowance” per day.    The hardest part was not having an alcoholic beverage before bedtime.

Day One wasn’t hard at all.  I didn’t do any type of exercise to go along with it because I had just gone back to work from the holiday break and had some catching up to do.

Day Two  I was a little hungry in the afternoon and had to resist the urge to get an unauthorized snack. I did swim a few laps at the gym during lunch.

In the evening I really wanted a treat or a drink (though that could have been because of the current Stressors going on in our lives).  I noticed that I was at about the half way point so I told myself that I just need to get through the next 32-36 hours and its over. My wife Nightingale, who also unofficially participated, noticed she was more drained and we realized that we were running out of the energy that sugar normally provided us.

Day Three was essentially a cake walk because I was so close to the finish line, that it didn’t make any sense to cheat.  I ran a few miles on the treadmill at lunch time.

So cutting out sugar for three days with a small amount of exercise may have helped me lose a pound or two but other than a little tired, I didn’t feel any different than usual.  That’s probably because sugar isn’t a big part of my life as it is for some people.  I definitely consume more than 15 grams a day, but not significantly more and I avoid sugar and substitutes whenever I can substitute a healthier choice and the few miles I do run a week help burn some of it off.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will comment below. Here’s the part where I beg for stuff because we get paid in likes, shares, re-tweets and feedback. Please also do any and all of the following:

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Pop Culture, This Week on Facebook, Uncategorized, Wacky World Wednesday

What happens when you go on a Sugar Detox

Marathon Monday, Running Related, This Blogger Life, Uncategorized

Marathon training and blogging tip: be honest with yourself


Detroit Marathon 2012

When I was a Group Leader for CARA, every summer we’d have a crop of newbies who were training for the Chicago Marathon for the first time.  Most of them usually said the same thing, that they just wanted to finish the race.

18 weeks later they’d run the marathon and they would all finish the race.  But there would inevitably always be one or two runners who were a little disappointed, sad even. I’d ask them what was wrong and the response was usually something along the lines of:

“Well I really wanted to finish with a better time.”  Or “I was hoping to qualify for Boston!”

Well the problem is you were not honest with me, or yourself.  That’s a different type of training and it involves more than just following a mileage schedule.  It takes mental toughness and setting reasonable expectations.  If your top speed is a 10:30 mm you are not going to break 4 hours in the marathon without some major help. On the other hand, if you are a 9 – 9:30 mm runner and you want to break 4 hours, it can be done. It might involve speed work, cross training and even diet.  But it can be done.

I can’t 100% guarantee you will achieve your goal but I can help you improve your chances as long as you are honest with yourself about what you want to accomplish.

As as long as we are being honest, I’d like to share that I definitely was one of those runners who always wanted to finish with a better time than my last marathon. The difference is, I certainly never kept that to myself.   And I tried so hard to Boston Qualify that I ruined my knees running too many back-t0-back marathons.

It’s a costly lesson but I learned from it and am applying what I learned to blogging.  A lot of bloggers claim they just want to write their thoughts and thinky bits and don’t give a crap about readership or page traffic. But the truth is they really really do want readers and pageviews and Algonquin Round Table discussions in the comment section.  Some dream of  being a blogger with an audience of Baby Sideburns, Scary Mommy or even Dooce, and that doesn’t come easy.

When I first started blogging, my blog was just another boring online web journal.  But then I read other blogs and thought: why can’t I do that?  Well, it’s not as easy as it looks.  Truthfully, my talent level isn’t on par with the big guns of the blogosphere and honestly, I don’t have the bandwidth to go there.  Instead I’m using the blog writing as training for writing a book.  I’m hoping that by posting in this space often enough, I will get enough practice honing my writing skills to actually pen a book someday.   Hopefully my readers will help me reach my goals by providing encouragement and feedback every step of the way.
Thank you for reading and I hope you will comment below. Here’s the part where I beg for stuff because we get paid in likes, shares, re-tweets and feedback. Please also do any and all of the following:

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Type your email address in the box and click the “create subscription” button. My list is completely spam free, and you can opt out at any time.
