Corporate America, Get It Off Your Chest, Mortgage Loan, Wacky World Wednesday

Dear Chase Bank: Stop Spamming me

Every month, I get an email from my bank telling me that my statement is available online.  I also get one for my Chase Credit Card telling me that my balance and minimum due can be viewed online.  Finally, every time they tweak their site or terms of service, I get an email telling me to read the changes in their Secure Message Center.

Why the fuck don’t you just email me this information?  Not the bank statements of course.  But changes to Terms of Service?  Who the fuck cares if the Nigerian Princes read that!

I’m really annoyed that your “your payment is due” email doesn’t contain any useful information because Discover Card and Citibank emails do.  And if they have figured out how to safely relay that information to me in an email  — or avoid any liability if the info is breached —  I think you can too.

Here’s the latest thing they sent me:

chase spam

Are you fucking kidding me!  You couldn’t just send that to me in the original email?  You’re gonna make me log into my account, click over to Secure Message Center, go through two more clicks just to read a form letter with a fucking link to the actual relevant updated privacy statement!

There is a name for Emails that don’t contain any useful information.  We call that spam.  Stop it.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will comment below. Here’s the part where I beg for stuff because we get paid in likes, shares, re-tweets and feedback. Please also do any and all of the following:

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Catholic, Dark Matters, Getting It Off Your Chest, This Week on Facebook

Giving up Facebook friends for Lent

So for Lent I’m giving up something that I cannot easily un-give up once Lent is over. I’ve decided its time to cull my FB list. Yes I know that I swore I would never be one those people who unfriends someone just because they don’t remember who that person is, or haven’t talked to them in a while. But then the Great John Scalzi pointed out that:

“Just because Facebook calls its connection mechanism ‘friending’ doesn’t mean that everyone you connect with there are actual friends; they’re merely people who, for one reason or another, you’ve decided to connect with on a social media network.”

I thought I’d cull 10% which would be 87.1 friends at this point. [Or I could do 100 since I’m jonsing about The 100 lately.]


Like many people, my FB friends fall into four buckets which sometimes overlap.

  • Real friends and family that I care about;
  • People who entertain, enlighten or inform me;
  • People I’m loyal to;
  • People I know.

As Scalzi correctly points out, only one of these groups are proper friends.  So the people who are safe are family of course and friends that I actually interact with.  High School friends are immune because of that loyalty thing.  Running friends too.  And of course all ChicagoNow bloggers.  Update:  I changed my mind on this one.  IF anyone should understand the need for a FB Blog Page like to increase its internet presences, it should be your fellow bloggers.

I’m going to start with people who haven’t even logged on in years because they won’t care.

Next will be Dead Profiles. When a friend deactivates their Facebook account, they are still in your friends list.  I keep some of these around for reasons, but otherwise this should eliminate a few people.

Next will be the dbags who ask me to like their pet causes but do not like my FB Blog Page because I’m petty that way.  Considering my page tells me that 287 friends like it, that means I have almost 600 friends who are actively not supporting me.  Withholding the kind of help that can be done from the comfort of ones couch without any more effort than it takes to share a cat video.

Finally there are the people who are only friends with me because I was of use to them sometime in the past and they are keeping me around in case that crops up again.

How about you?  Have you un-friended someone for what might be considered a trivial reason?  Tell us in the comments.


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Free Fun Friday

Why auto repairs “cost” more for a woman than for a man

IMG_0770So, apropos of nothing in particular, stop me if you’ve heard this one before.  A man backs his wife’s car into the garage and scraps the bumper.  He takes it to a body shop and they agree to spot it out for $100.  He gets the work done but doesn’t want to admit that he paid $100 for such a small job.  [Though technically a bargain when you factor in labor and supplies.]  He tells his wife it only cost $50.

A month later the wife backs her car into the same tight spot in the garage and scraps the same bumper, though not nearly as bad as the husband’s work.   She doesn’t want to tell her husband that she just damaged the same vehicle so she takes it to the same shop.  They agree to spot it out for a hundred bucks.

She assumes they are ripping her off because she’s a woman but she’s in a jam and reluctantly spends the money.

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It was the Wednesday morning before Memorial Day Weekend 2013 and Nightingale went down to the laundry room to toss her dress in the dryer to remove some wrinkles. She noticed a large pool of water around the floor drain. We usually get a little rain that seeps in through our Wizard of Oz doors and it goes straight to the drain, but this was more than usual. We assumed the drain was somehow backed up. I tried unclogging it with the wet dry vac but all that did was fill up the vac with water and more gushed in. This should have told me something but we were in a rush.

On this particular day we had to be downtown for an appointment we couldn’t afford to miss or reschedule. On top of that I had some meetings at the office that I had to attend in person. I feared missing these would be CLMs. Because their wasn’t a lot of water, we made the fateful decision to deal with the water when we got home. Bad mistake. Big, huge mistake.


When I got home the water had quadrupled and was beyond the laundry room and into the family room portion of the basement. I just did get home in time to move all the furniture to one end of the room to save the new sofa, love seat and ottoman I had bought just two months before.

One of the problems with this type of situation is that you don’t really have time to Google and shop around. We called our Home Warranty Insurance company and they were less than helpful. They said it probably wasn’t covered but would gladly send out one of their vendors to take a look and charge us whether they could help or not. Apparently Sump Pumps are only covered if they are internal, not external to the house. Why this makes a fucking difference I don’t know.

We also called State Farm, our home insurance company and they also said it wasn’t covered but would gladly send out an investigator at some point. So we called a service that advertised that it handled this sort of thing. Only they just do the cleanup,they don’t fix the problem. Their website didn’t make that clear but we figured it out in time to call Pete’s Plumbing service.

The long and short is that our sump pump was in a locked position, burnt out. It needed to be replaced. My theory is that it was overworked from all the rain we got that April such that the sump pump simple said screw it, I give up.

To make matters worse, Pete discovered that we also had a crack in our drain pipe from our sewer to the city sewer and because it was on our property line.  Pete said we had to fix it, not the city. He said that even if it extends to the other side of the sidewalk, The City would only fix their part. And this wasn’t something I could or should let go until a later time. I didn’t have the bandwidth to research this or not. [I know a lot of people have seen this type of problem on the DIY renovation shows where the city fixes the whole thing. Maybe they would have, maybe they wouldn’t. Given how Chicago works, they may have fixed the whole thing only three years later.]

The bottom line is that I got hit with a $6500 bill to fix this at a time when my credit card had a bigger balance than I prefer to carry because of some other life events. I essentially started off the summer of 2013 $10K in debt and didn’t pay it off until December 2015.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will comment below. Here’s the part where I beg for stuff because we get paid in likes, shares, re-tweets and feedback. Please also do any and all of the following:

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Forever House, Life Lessons

The Long story of our Flooded Basement
